1. Q: Honestly, your price is not very competitive in Alibaba. How can I trust you?
A: Yes we know, and that's why we mention we are 100% made in Taiwan to ensure highly competitive around the world. Moreover, the material we use compared with other trade companies/manufacturers is much better (we guarantee). Delivering high-quality products to our clients instead of providing cheap and poor-quality stuff is our mission and principle. Welcome to contact us and we are glad to provide our sample to you.
2. Q: OK, sounds good. How can I get the sample and what is the sample delivery time?
A: We would charge the fee of suggested price of the products; however, the fee can be deducted in the formal order. Normally it will take 7 to 14 days for preparing your sample. The first impression is very important. We'd rather spend a little bit more time checking your sample for approval.
3. Q: If I love your sample and would like to place an order, what payment do you accept? Also, what's the delivery time?
A: L/C & T/T are available. If you want to pay via credit card or Paypal for the sample fee, please contact us for more information. It usually takes 45 to 60 days to produce your order. However, it still depends on different orders.
4. Q: Do you offer custom packaging?
A: We have different packaging methods for different items. If you want custom packagings like label, printing or box, we can offer it based on your need.
5. Q: What detailed information that I should provide to you first?
A: We are highly appreciated if you can provide below information to us first:
(a) Product specification, i.e. size, color, etc.
(b) Order quantity. We are glad to offer you the discount for large quantity.
(c) Custom packaging and others based on your request. We can offer you our suggestions if you have any questions.
6. Q: Do you have more information for me to know more about you Holar?
A: Please visit our official website https:https://www.holar.com.tw/ for more details.